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[영화대사 한줄 리뷰] 10. 돈룩업_Goddamn, Just look up! [영화] 돈 룩 업 (Don't Look Up) / Adam Mckay Would you please just stop being so pleasant? I'm sorry, but not everything needs to sound so goddamn clever or charming or likable all the time. Sometimes we need to just be able to say things to one another. We need to hear things. 즐거운 척 좀 그만해요. 미안한데 모든 대화를 재치있고 매력적이고 호감있게 할 순 없어요. 할 말을 제대로 해야 하고 듣기도 해야 해요. And the reason we know that there is a comet is.. 2023. 3. 15.
[영화대사 한줄 리뷰] 09. 다키스트 아워_처칠의 용기 [영화] Darkest Hour (다키스트 아워)/Joe Wright - Belgium? - Collapsed. - Norway? - Holland. France any hour. - And the mood of Parliament? - Fear. Panic. - And you? Are you not afraid? - I am, most terribly. Support in the War Cabinet for the campaign of resistance has collapsed.- You have my support. - Your Majesty? - 벨기에는? - 무너졌습니다. - 노르웨이도? - 네덜란드도요. 프랑스도 얼마 안 남았죠. - 의회 분위기는 어떻소? - 패닉 상태죠 - 그대는? 그대는 .. 2023. 3. 14.
[영화대사 한줄 리뷰] 08. 레볼루셔너리 로드_살얼음판 위의 평화 [영화] Revolutionary Road (레볼루셔너리 로드)/Sam Mendes Tell me the truth, Frank, remember that? We used to live by it. And you know what's so good about the truth? Everyone knows what it is however long they've lived without it. No one forgets the truth, Frank, they just get better at lying. 진실을 말해, 프랭크. 예전엔 서로에게 진실되게 살았잖아. 진실이 좋은게 뭔지 알아? 아무리 오래 거짓되게 살았어도 진실은 잊혀지지 않는단 거야. 진실은 잊혀지지 않는다고, 그저 사람들이 거짓말을 더 잘.. 2023. 3. 13.
[영화대사 한줄 리뷰] 06. 올더머니_그럴 여윳돈이 없네. [영화] 올 더 머니 (All the Money in the World)/Ridley Scott - I wanted to give him everything, everything I've learned, all of... my knowledge, all that I've built. And he just wanted to...pick my pocket like his father, like all the parasites that have swarmed around me all my life. That's why I like things. You see? Things, objects, artifacts, paintings, and... They are exactly what they appear to b.. 2023. 3. 10.
[영화대사 한줄 리뷰] 03. 매기스 플랜_옷깃으로 충분했어. [영화] 매기스 플랜 (Maggie's plan)/Rebecca Miller - Why didn't you become a mathematician? - I liked math because it was beautiful, that's all. I never wanted to be a mathematician. - Really? You think math is beautiful? - Anyone who's touched even a hem of that garment knows it's beautiful. For me, the hem was enough. Couldn't have taken the frustration. - What do you mean? - Never seeing the whole th.. 2023. 2. 27.